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Flow for Writing a Release Note from a Sprint Demo Transcript

Use the following flow to write a release note from a sprint demo transcript:

"icon": "scripts_text",
"function_sequence": [
"function": "PICK_FILE_DIALOG",
"params": ["txt"],
"output": "$FILE_PATH"
"function": "LOAD_FILE",
"params": ["$FILE_PATH"],
"output": "$FILE_CONTENTS"
"params": ["RN Writer", "TRANSCRIPT: \r\n\r\n$FILE_CONTENTS"],
"output": "$RN"
"params": ["$RN"],
"output": "$HTML"
"function": "SAVE_TOPIC_DIALOG",
"params": ["$HTML"]

The "RN Writer" agent is responsible for transforming the input text:

RN Writer.json

"CompletionsSettings": {
"SystemInstructions": "# Software Release Documentation\n\n**Task**: Your primary objective is to craft a detailed and meaningful release note derived from a sprint demo meeting transcript. \n\n**Procedure**: You will receive a transcript to distill into a succinct release note, emphasizing the main features discussed. Refrain from including any personal names or direct references to the meeting. \n\n**Standards**: Ensure the release note is clear, concise, and adheres to the active voice principles outlined in the Microsoft Manual of Style. Begin with a level 0 heading that encapsulates the essence of the update in a compelling and informative manner. Never include a heading that says just 'Release Note', or something similar. The release note must start with a level 0 heading, e.g. # My heading. Use this template"